Kirsten, Simons to help CSA pick next SA coach

Kirsten, together with four others, will help screen and recommend potential South Africa coaches © Getty
Former South Africa opener and coach Gary Kirsten and Eric Simons, the former South Africa pacer, have been nominated as members of the panel that will screen and recommend candidates for various positions in the coaching set-up of the South African national cricket team, CSA announced on Thursday(May 18).
Following the approval of the Board of Directors of CSA, the process for selecting the coaching staff for the South Africa senior men's team has started, announced the cricket board, which added that the appointments of the head coach and the support staff will be in place by the beginning of September.
"There has been uninformed negativity in the media about the Board's decision to start a process to recruit a coach for the Men's Senior National Team. But the reasons for our doing this were obvious and the committee we have appointed to oversee the process will make sure that we have all bases covered," Chris Nenzani, chairman of the board, said.
Apart from Kirsten and Simons, the board has also named Norman Arendse SC, Rihan Richards and Oupa Nkagisang as part of the panel that will interview suitable candidates and recommend names to CSA for appointment.

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